Use curl to query the Analytics API
You can submit a query built with the GraphiQL client as the payload in the data
field of a POST request to the Analytics API.
The advantage of executing a request with curl is that you can redirect the response to a file and execute other post processing methods.
The GraphQL endpoint requires valid JSON, so you must pass the query as the value
part of a JSON key:value
pair with a key named query
Pass the list of variables in another JSON key:value
pair with a key named variables
The script below returns the firewall events in one zone over the last 24 hours:
Example bash script that uses curl to query Analytics API#!/bin/bash
# This script fetches the last 24 hours of firewall events for the ZoneID passed
# in as the first parameter using the global key passed in as the second parameter.
# Calculate 24 hours back and produce the start and end times in the appropriate format.
back_seconds=60*60*24 # 24 hours
end_epoch=$(date +'%s')
let start_epoch=$end_epoch-$back_seconds
start_date=$(date --date="@$start_epoch" +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
end_date=$(date --date="@$end_epoch" +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
PAYLOAD='{ "query": "query { viewer { zones(filter: { zoneTag: $zoneTag }) { firewallEventsAdaptive( filter: $filter limit: 10000 orderBy: [datetime_DESC, rayName_DESC] ) { action, datetime, rayName, clientRequestHTTPHost, userAgent } } } }",'
\"variables\": { \"zoneTag\": \"$ZoneID\", \"filter\": { \"datetime_gt\": \"$start_date\", \"datetime_leq\": \"$end_date\" } }}"
# Run query to GraphQL API endpoint
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Email: $Email" -H "X-Auth-Key: $global_key" --data "$(echo $PAYLOAD)"