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Cloudflare Logs

Cloudflare Enterprise customers have access to detailed logs that contain metadata generated by our products. These logs are helpful for debugging, identifying configuration adjustments, and creating analytics, especially when combined with logs from other sources, such as your application server. For information about the types of data Cloudflare collects, refer to Cloudflare’s Data Products.

Push your request or event logs to your preferred cloud service provider or analytics platform using Logpush or Edge Log Delivery. Logs are sent in batches to your configured destination as gzipped files containing data in newline-delimited JSON (also known as JSON Lines text format). Batch size, latency, push frequency, and available datasets differ between Logpush and Edge Log Delivery. Refer to the individual product pages for details.

The number of files delivered depends on the number of logs that need to be delivered. More logs equals more batches and therefore more files. The number of files also depends on the number of Cloudflare log-processing servers needed to handle the volume of logs.

Instant Logs allows Enterprise customers to view their HTTP request logs instantly in the Cloudflare dashboard or the CLI. Instant Logs allows customers to actively monitor the traffic flowing through their network and make immediate key decisions that affect their applications. Use Instant Logs to live tail your traffic — it does not require any setup and by design it does not have any retention.

If you only want to have access to HTTP request logs, you can also use Logpull. The data from Logpull and Logpush is exactly the same.

By default, Cloudflare does not retain your HTTP request logs. However, if you are a Spectrum customer, logs of Spectrum events are retained automatically.