R2 Log Retrieval (beta)
Cloudflare’s Log Retrieval API allows you to query logs from R2 by providing a time range. This functionality is available in beta via the API documented here.
Before getting started
- Set up a Logpush to R2 job.
- Create an R2 access key with at least R2 read permissions.
- Ensure that you have Logshare read permissions.
- Alternatively, create a Cloudflare API token with the following permissions:
- Account scope
- Logs read permissions
The following headers are required for all API calls:
- the Cloudflare account email address associated with the domainX-Auth-Key
- the Cloudflare API key
Alternatively, API tokens with Logs edit permissions can also be used for authentication:
Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>
List files
List relevant R2 objects containing logs matching the provided query parameters, using the endpoint GET /accounts/{accountId}/logs/list
Query parameters
(required) string(TimestampRFC3339) - Start time in RFC3339 format, for example start=2022-06-06T16:00:00Z
(required) string(TimestampRFC3339) - End time in RFC3339 format, for example end=2022-06-06T16:00:00Z
(required) string (Bucket) - R2 bucket name, for examplebucket=cloudflare-logs
string (Prefix) - R2 bucket prefix logs are stored under, for exampleprefix=http_requests/example.com/{DATE}
number (Limit) - Maximum number of results to return, for examplelimit=100
Header parameters
(required) string (AccessKeyId) - For example,29a92f1a6e6887d79f3401a41
(required) string (SecretAccessKey) - For example,869b6e19534a6715ab69a07d76492d673f8134d
Retrieve Logs
Stream logs stored in R2 that match the provided query parameters, using the endpoint GET /accounts/{accountId}/logs/retrieve
Query parameters
(required) string(TimestampRFC3339) - Start time in RFC3339 format, for example start=2022-06-06T16:00:00Z
(required) string(TimestampRFC3339) - End time in RFC3339 format, for example end=2022-06-06T16:00:00Z
(required) string (Bucket) - R2 bucket name, for examplebucket=cloudflare-logs
string (Prefix) - R2 bucket prefix logs are stored under, for exampleprefix=http_requests/exmaple.com/{DATE}
Header parameters
(required) string (AccessKeyId) - For example,29a92f1a6e6887d79f3401a41
(required) string (SecretAccessKey) - For example,869b6e19534a6715ab69a07d76492d673f8134d
Example API request
curl -s -g -X GET 'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/<ACCOUNT_ID>/logs/retrieve?start=2022-06-01T16:00:00Z&end=2022-06-01T16:05:00Z&bucket=cloudflare-logs&prefix=http_requests/exmaple.com/{DATE}' \
-H "X-Auth-Email: <EMAIL>" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: <API_KEY>" \ -H "R2-Access-Key-Id: R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
-H "R2-Secret-Access-Key: R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" | jq .
Results can be piped to a file using > logs.json
Additionally, if you want to receive the raw GZIP bytes without them being transparently decompressed by your client, include the header -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip'
HTTP status code 422
will be returned if the time range between the start and end parameters is too wide.
{ "result": null, "success": false, "messages": [], "errors": [ { "code": 1002, "message": "Time range returned too many results. Try reducing the time range and try again." } ]
Try querying a shorter time range if you are running into this limit.
- What is the time delay between when an event happens and when I can query for it?
Logpush delivers logs in batches as soon as possible, generally in less than one minute. After this, logs can be accessed using the retrieval API.
- Does R2 have retention controls?
R2 does not currently have retention controls in place. You can query back as far as when you created the Logpush job.
- Which datasets is the retrieval API compatible with?
The retrieval API is compatible with all the datasets we support. The full list is available on the Log fields section.